[GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Sat Dec 3 15:38:33 EST 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3876

Subject: g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
GRASS Version: CVS 2005-11-16

Here is my initial projection:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (huha2):~ > g.proj -p
name       : Latitude-Longitude
datum      : S-42
towgs84    : 33.4,-146.6,-76.3,-0.359,-0.053,0.844,-0.84
proj       : ll
ellps      : krassovsky
unit       : degree
units      : degrees
meters     : 1.0

I wanted to change it with "g.proj wkt=wkt_file". It kindoff works, but:
1. the PERMANENT/WIND and PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND are left unchanged (still refer to latlong).
2. only the WIND in working mapset is changed properly
3. surprisingly, a correct DEFAULT_WIND appears in current working mapset - but it should go to PERMANENT.

Trying to change a projection to a following PROJ.4 description:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (huha2):~ > cat puwg1965_IV.prf
+proj=sterea +lat_0=50.625 +lon_0=21.08333333333333 +k=0.9998 +x_0=4637000 +y_0=5467000 +ellps=krass +towgs84=33.4297,-146.5746,-76.2865,-0.35867,-0.05283,0.84354,-0.84077 +units=m

It fails, no change is done:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (huha2):~ > g.proj -c proj4=puwg1965_IV.prf

WARNING!  A projection file already exists for this location

This file contains all the parameters for the
location's projection: ll

    Overriding this information implies that the old projection parameters
    were incorrect.  If you change the parameters, all existing data will be
    interpreted differently by the projection software.
    GRASS will not re-project your data automatically

Would you still like to overwrite the current projection information (y/n) [n] yProjection information updated!

GRASS 6.1.cvs (huha2):~ > g.proj -p
name       : Latitude-Longitude
datum      : S-42
towgs84    : 33.4,-146.6,-76.3,-0.359,-0.053,0.844,-0.84
proj       : ll
ellps      : krassovsky
unit       : degree
units      : degrees
meters     : 1.0


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