[GRASS5] Re: [bug #3877] (grass) r.to.vect: severe memory leaks, I'm helpless

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Mon Dec 5 12:38:21 EST 2005

On pon, 2005-12-05 at 13:38 +0100, Radim Blazek via RT wrote:
> please read old mails on this problem. I dont have time to explain it
> again and again. AFAIK there are no big memory leaks.

Is it aknowledged by Grass developers that a machine freeze at 5 mln
vector points file is a BUG (no matter what the reason is)?

If it is aknowledged, can we expect it to be fixed? When - soon, month
time, year time? Or is it going to be a "feature" and left as is?


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