[GRASS5] Re: [Fwd: whinging about GRASS again]

Mark P. Line mark at polymathix.com
Tue Feb 1 04:06:41 EST 2005

Hamish said:
> Mark:
>> Why does GRASS require more users?
> more users mean a more diverse base & more bug squashing, good thing.
> compromising core features to do so, bad thing. (*cough* gnome 2.4)

Uh huh.

Nothing has so far changed the feeling I had back in 4.1 days: The GRASS
community can be self-supporting only to the extent that the ratio of
supporters to supportees doesn't get out of hand. And unless somebody has
a large staff of bored tech writers they haven't told us about, the
self-support model is the only one that's going to fly in the foreseeable

> Mark:
>> GRASS is not really intended for use by naive users.
> everyone has to start out from zero at some point. The learning curve is
> steep, but we shouldn't grease it.

By "naive" I mean not only GRASS-naive but also GIS-naive. I wouldn't
throw a full-blown SAP general ledger system at a user who doesn't know
the first thing about bookkeeping. As that user, I wouldn't want to fuss
with the huge SAP system until I was an adequately versatile bean-counter.

-- Mark

Mark P. Line
San Antonio, TX

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