[GRASS5] fixed 2 bugs in GIS Manager GRASS 6

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Feb 16 10:53:52 EST 2005

Paul Kelly wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Michael Barton wrote:
> > This error is erratic. The most consistent way I've been able to reproduce
> > it and get v.surf.rst to work is the following:
> >
> [...]
> >
> > It seems to choke on the line:
> >
> > Authors: original version -  H.Mitasova, L.Mitas, I. Kosinovsky, D.P. Gerdes
> > See manual pages for reference and publications
> >
> > This kind of output regularly causes programs called from the tcltk menus to
> > fail. I've futzed with it a bit and can't get it to run consistently. Can
> > you perhaps not have it try to display this to the xterm? It ought to run OK
> > then.

I have completely removed that line and it still gives the same error

GRASS 6.0.cvs:~/grasscvs6/grass6/vector/v.surf.rst >
ERROR: Required parameter <input> not set:
    (Name of the vector file with input data).

 Interpolation and topographic analysis from given point or contour data
in vector format to GRASS floating point raster format using regularized
spline with tension.

> Just a guess but perhaps in some places it writes to stdout and others to
> stderr? IMHO for messages like that that aren't part of the GIS-related
> output of the module, it should always be stderr: see
> http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass5/2004-October/015720.html
> Paul
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