[GRASS5] Re: [bug #3009] (grass) g.remove - accidental removing possible!

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 21:18:36 EST 2005

> in respect to g.remove,  g.mremove, g.rename and g.copy.
> > in this case it happens to screw up pretty much every GRASS script
> > ever written so I am hesitant to change it. e.g. you'd have to then
> > do "d.mon start=x0" not just "d.mon x0" etc.
> This is unrelated - d.mon is not a file-management command and it
> cannot do any harm to you whatever you use it.

To explain more fully:  to remove the default target in a GRASS module
you have to remove it in the parser library functions. You can't turn
this off for certain modules. Changing it would affect all modules.

You could move the default target away by changing which option comes
first, but the problem remains. If you did manage to rewrite the C and
script parsers to disable default option targets for a certain list
of modules you would still be breaking lots of scripts, which is to be
avoided unless the rewards are great.

> > In addition to breaking a lot of scripts anything that requires
> > extra keystrokes slows down power users and is to be avoided if
> > possible
> Power users first? Hmm, doesn't sound inviting to Grass adepts.

I think everyone agrees that GRASS should aim to support the needs of
both new users and experienced users alike. It does not have to be


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