[GRASS5] bugs

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 26 00:20:48 EST 2005

> - wait a couple of days and close it if there was no response
>   and the bug obviously outdated


Shouldn't we keep a list of known GRASS 5.4 bugs somewhere rather than
just forgetting about them? e.g. 5.4's v.digit "won't fix" bugs.

I think we need to have some sort of "confirmed", "unreproducable", or
"new" tag column for bugs, so we can separate out valid bugs from
misconfigured systems at least, giving a more realistic bug number.

We should not be closing bug reports just because there are a lot of bug
reports. Clean up the bug list, sure; as long as it is by actually
fixing bugs, and not just forgetting them!


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