[GRASS5] [bug #2896] (grass) v.digit doc "Digitizing a raster map"

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Jan 6 18:32:29 EST 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2896

   3) Digitizing a raster map and using a previously created vector
   map as base which is displayed in the background as well:

   v.digit map=name_of_new_vector_map bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_your_raster;

Is he digitizing a raster map or vector map?
Add a note about what it means to digitize the same map you are
displaying.  Seems rather dangerous.

Also I note when running v.digit, 100% of the CPU is used just waiting for input.
I suppose there is no easy way to suspend a session to get some CPU back for a
few moments.

Also I note the bar at the top of the screen doesn't fit on my 15 inch
monitor: the exit door is cut in half.

OK, I'm digitizing a new line. Does anything tell me what button to press
to finish the line? No.

I see New Point etc. on a second row of English on the panel, at least in
5.7.0 on Debian, but these are not clickable or understandable.
Oh, I see, these must represent the three mouse keys.
Clever, aren't I. Figured it out with no documentation.
Maybe they are on an inital screen, but not later when we finally look at it.

I "open settings" and change the background color, but there is no OK button
to execute my new settings.
Oh, I see. I hit the Redraw button at the top of the screen. Slick
aren't I, with no docs.  Wait, suppose I want to do this every
session?  Must do by hand. Can't say them via command line.

Odd, why is only a slice of the monitor used and not more. Maybe only 1/3 is used.
Probably kept over from the shape of a zoom region.

I'm digitizing a new line and I reach up and choose Pan to move the screen --
and of course: bye bye all the points I entered.
Oh, I see. I must close the line and start a new one before each Pan.
Well, of course I cannot find a button to join to or continue the old line.
There's a Split line button, but no join line button.

It seems one is constantly making lines with a few points, hitting pan twice,
then making another line. Too bad it can't sense we are near an edge, and
automatically pan over.
And how does one then join the lines later? v.clean tool=snap? No.
OK will try v.build.polylines.
OK, worked. Odd, the v.build.polylines man page doesn't mention how
close nodes must be before they are joined. Nor does it allow a
threshold= parameter.

Also there is no hint of the 150 corners in
Number of nodes     :   2
Number of primitives:   1
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   1
etc. output.

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Subject: v.digit doc "Digitizing a raster map"
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