[GRASS5] session within a session

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 18:05:11 EST 2005

> > I was just able to start a grass57 session from within another
> > grass57 session by mistake (different location). I had thought there
> > was a check to see if GRASS was already running?
> The check has been removed; you are supposed to be able to run
> multiple sessions now.
> Each session now has its own $GISRC and its own /tmp subdirectory for
> monitor sockets.

Ok, the problem remains though: you shouldn't be able to start one GRASS
session from within another GRASS session causing a confused state.

ie test for $GISBASE in current shell during startup, not for any
existing .gislock like files?

Running multiple sessions in parallel is ok, running multiple sessions
in serial is bad.


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