[GRASS5] ps.atlas

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 05:03:48 EDT 2005

> after some time, I puted together script for making something like
> atlas of maps using ps.map.
> The script splits the current region into number of columns and rows
> and in each field it runs ps.map with defined input configuratin file.
> The resulting atlas of maps can be stored in vector file. Desired
> overlaping can be also set.

Hi Jachym,

You might be able to simplify your script by having it use v.mkgrid +
'v.label type=centroid' + ps.map's 'labels' instruction (use CVS).

Perhaps combine the row and coln columns that v.mkgrid makes to have
"1A, 4D, ..." style labels.


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