[GRASS5] [bug #3002] (grass) G_parser() for GUIs and HTML help: missing opt->key_desc text

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Tue Jul 12 14:51:59 EDT 2005

Harmish Bowman via RT wrote:

> TODO: (by someone who knows some TCL)
> Edit lib/gis/gui.tcl so that the option description in the GUI indicates if
> multiple answers are ok.
> e.g.  (string[,string,...]; required)
> or something like that.
> "mult" = 0 or 1 is already there, just need to test & append the string.

Try the attached patch.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

-------------- next part --------------
--- lib/gis/gui.tcl~	2005-01-08 13:08:59.000000000 +0000
+++ lib/gis/gui.tcl	2005-07-12 19:50:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -257,12 +257,13 @@
 	pack $suf.val$optn.val -side left -fill x -expand yes
-proc do_label {dlg optn desc type reqd} {
+proc do_label {dlg optn desc type reqd mult} {
 	global opt
 	set suf $opt($dlg,suf)
 	set req [expr {$reqd ? "required" : "optional"}]
-	label $suf.lab$optn -text "$desc ($type, $req):" -anchor w -justify left
+	set multi [expr {$mult ? ", multiple" : ""}]
+	label $suf.lab$optn -text "$desc ($type$multi, $req):" -anchor w -justify left
 	pack $suf.lab$optn -side top -fill x
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
 		set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) $opts($key)
-	do_label $dlg $optn $opts(desc) $opts(type) $opts(required)
+	do_label $dlg $optn $opts(desc) $opts(type) $opts(required) $opts(multi)
 	frame $suf.val$optn
 	if {$opts(options) != {}} {

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