[GRASS5] GML output details?

Bart scarfboy at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 07:44:56 EDT 2005

On 7/19/05, Radim Blazek <radim.blazek at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/18/05, Bart <scarfboy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > Does anyone know whether there is a specification of the GML that
> > v.out.ogr outputs? I know this is more an OGR question, but I'm not
> > entirely sure what's responsible for what, with the olayer-named
> > element and the cat, str1 and label elements, which don't seem to be
> > GML or OGR since they're in neither namespace.
> >
> > I mainly want to know the extent of possibilities within each
> > gml:featureMember, really, since I'm writing a simple parser for this
> > output.
> The geometry can only be point, lineString or polygon.
> No multi* or collection. One type for the whole output,
> that can (should) change in future.
Useful to know. I suppose the 
gml:outerBoundaryIs gml:LinearRing gml:coordinates
tree structure is always like that too?

> > Particularly the non-namespaced elements (I'll try to find the format
> > of gml:feats, though an URL would be appreciated), and preferably also
> > things like if/how multiple categories are handled, what the
> If a geometry has assigned more categories of the same layer,
> a feature is created for each category, i.e. the geometry isduplicated
> in output.
How wasteful. I guess I'll have to detect that. Ah well.

Anyhow, thanks. That only really leaves the label/str1 questin, but I
can probably assume it's either/or and work around that.

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