[GRASS5] V.proj error

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Mon Jul 25 17:47:13 EDT 2005

> On 7/21/05 11:52 PM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Input Projection Parameters: +proj=latlong +a=6378206.4
>>> +rf=294.9786982 +no_defs
>>> +nadgrids=/Applications/Grass/grass61cvs.app/Contents/Resources/grass
>>> -6.1.cv s/etc/nad/conus
>>> Input Unit Factor: 1
>>> Output Projection Parameters: +proj=utm +zone=12 +a=6378137
>>> +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000
>>> Output Unit Factor: 1
>>> Creating vector file...
>>> pj_transform() failed
>>> cause: failed to load NAD27-83 correction file
>>> Error in pj_do_transform
>> this has to do with Paul's recent fix to make `g.proj -j` display the
>> full path name to the nadgrid file. Does the
>> /Applications/Grass/grass61cvs.app/Contents/Resources/grass-6.1.cvs/etc/nad/co
>> nus
>> file exist? I saw the same problem with r(?).proj when I changed the
>> string to $GISBASE locally, but it has been working fine for me using
>> the full path (in linux).
>> try using cs2cs from the command line with some test points:
>> IN_PROJ="`g.proj -jf`"
>> OUT_PROJ="+proj=longlat +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000"
>> echo "lon lat" | cs2cs -f %.7f $IN_PROJ +to $OUT_PROJ

Hello Michael, did you do this? I can't reproduce the problem using 
spearfish. If you can reproduce it using cs2cs it might make things 
clearer. E.g. does the following work:

echo "-103.7 44.4" | \
cs2cs +proj=longlat +a=6378206.4 +rf=294.9786982 \
ents/Resources/grass-6.1.cvs/etc/nad/conus \
+to +proj=utm +zone=12 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 \

(should give 1081318.90      4942279.92 0.00)


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