[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Tue Jul 26 02:38:13 EDT 2005

From: "Markus Neteler" <neteler at itc.it>

> How to do this? Doesn't this require an "Area" filter which is
> not there? Wish: I would like to see "grass6" only.

I think that "grass5.7" area should be still considered when talking of 
Grass6 bugs. Some of these still apply. An example I recall is 

And of course the "grass6.1" area should be included too.

I started the cleanup on Saturday. Currently I will be able to spend few 
hours on most Saturdays and few minutes daily for basic maintance.

First several bugs revised were 5.7 mostly.


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