[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Jul 28 04:25:19 EDT 2005

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 10:09:17PM +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> Regarding the bugtracker.
> In my opinion it would be good if the 'comment' would be removed for good 
> and that 'reply' would automatically also forward to grass5 list and the 
> assignee. I happen to see entries in the bugtracker which were never 
> forwarded to public while should have been. This happens because:
> 1. Even people who know 'reply' doesn't forward to the list forget to CC 
> manually sometimes.
> 2. Occasional bug reporters will never know they should CC. However they 
> propably indeed expect that their 'comments' or 'reply' would be CCed to 
> the grass5 list - like their very report was.
> In QGIS BT, which we like, any reply is forwarded to the list. This 
> provides better information flow and more eyes are looking at the problem.
> Good idea? 

Yes, good idea. I rarely come back on a regular base to the RT to
check if the reporting user has written something.

> Possible?




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