[GRASS5] [bug #3332] (grass) man v.label ps.map d.vect, etc.
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Tue Jun 7 12:59:00 EDT 2005
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3332
$ man v.label
v.label is all or nothing: no where=, no cats=3,5,4.
Name of a paint-label file
Is that the output file? If so, say so.
-a Create labels along lines
Nobody grasps the meaning of this without further explanation.
Also mention how the program figures where along the line to put a
label(s). Say how to make pretty contour lines values, and give a way
to say how many times to repeat the value along the contour line.
p.map is mentioned but it doesn't exist now.
font Font
default: standard
Mention what else we can choose.
Wait, I even see font=zzzzzzzzz works. Oh.
$ man ps.map
labels town.names
You need an "end" after this!!
Selects a labels file for output (see manual entry for p.labels ).
USAGE: labels labelfile|list
font font name
Seems like changing the font name here has no effect. Also say
font_name, one word. And if we can change the font name here, why not
also the font size, etc.
$ man d.vect
-i Use values from 'cat' option as line id
You mean cats option.
Also say if -i is equivalent to saying some other options. And
explain further what is going on.
echo "update testisola set GRASSRGB='123:45:237' where cat=139" |
Say cats=
-x Don't add to list of vectors and commands in monitor
Explain further.
$ echo ALTER TABLE c3a ADD COLUMN house int|db.execute
$ echo UPDATE c3a SET house=cat|db.execute
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error in statement:
UPDATE c3a SET house=cat
Error in db_execute_immediate()
ERROR: Error while executing: "UPDATE c3a SET house=cat
Gee, sorry. 6.0.0
P.S., I see binary junk appended:
$ cat -v grassdata/shangcheng/addressing/hist/c2|tail -7
generated by v.surf.rst
tension=40.000000, smoothing=0.100000
zmin_int=6.386416, zmax_int=1209.749824
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To: grass-bugs at intevation.de
Subject: man v.label ps.map d.vect, etc.
From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni at jidanni.org>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 00:54:40 +0800
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