[GRASS5] Error in display/d.m/d.m file

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Tue Jun 21 04:00:35 EDT 2005

Hi Michael

>I haven't submitted any changes to this file for awhile as I'm in Valencia
>and haven't had cvs access for several weeks now. So I don't know what the
>status is.
>Can anyone enlighten us?

 From ChangeLog file (press "Changes" button on my startup application in OSX)

2005-06-15 18:21

	* display/d.m/d.m: When it's executed by the user without any
	option, isatty(0) returns 1, which is wrong. For example, after
	running "d.m&", go to nviz and just click Run. Now we have two same
	nviz gui windows.

	Fixed this bug.

2005-06-15 14:31

This change isn't good for OSX.
Does it need an if statement?


||      Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
||/|/|  ENEA prot/idr          Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/    
||   |  via Don Fiammelli, 2   FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (ris.)
~~~~~~  40128 BOLOGNA - ITALY  Ph: +39-0516098086  Fax: +39-0516098131
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