[GRASS5] [bug #3367] (grass) SQL error when renaming a vector layer

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Fri Jun 24 16:48:26 EDT 2005

From: "Morten Hulden" <morten at untamo.net>

> Request Tracker wrote:
>> GRASS 6.1.cvs (caves_utm33):~ > g.rename vect=utm_km,4_utm_km
>> RENAME [utm_km] to [4_utm_km]
>> DBMI-DBF driver error:
>> SQL parser error in statement:
>> create table 4_utm_km ( cat integer, row integer, col integer )
>> Cannot create table
>> WARNING: Cannot create new table
>> WARNING: Cannot copy table
>> WARNING: Cannot rename utm_km to 4_utm_km
>> Is it by design? I couldn't find any information that vector layer names
>> cannot start with a digit.
> A dbf/psql restriction and should not be reported as a Grass bug

OK. Anyway - why is g.rename trying to rename to "4_utm_km" and actually
*does it* if such name is not supported due to dbf driver limitations? No
logic. There should be an appropriate check and blocking for such actions
folowed by an information about the restriction involved - like in some v.*
modules (say v.mkgrid).

Are there more modules which do not verify the resulting vector layer name 
according to dbf/psql restrictions?


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