[GRASS5] Updated CygwinGRASS-0.2.1

Marco Lechner marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Mar 1 11:25:05 EST 2005

The CygwinGRASS InstallationCD is updated with the newest cygtiff-5.dll and
the "easystart" GRASS.bat from Huidae Cho. By the way thanks for all the
work at this point.



P.S. Installing GRASS with Cygwin on Windows was never this easy!

Marco Lechner

Institut für Physische Geographie
Uni Freiburg
Werderring 4
79085 Freiburg
Fon 0761 / 203-3548
Mail marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de

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