[GRASS5] Grass 6 screenshots link broken

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Mar 11 08:53:48 EST 2005

On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 02:21:22PM -0500, Martin Wegmann wrote:
> On Friday 11 March 2005 08:05, Markus Neteler wrote:
> [....]
> > Have a look at
> >  http://grass.itc.it/grass60/screenshots/gui.php
> > which is correct. From this you can derive the fixes for the
> > other php pages in that directory.
> hmm, the structure looks totally different to me index.php does have this 
> entry for the top menu
>       include("../../menu_search.inc");
>      ?> 
>    </td>
>    <td valign="top">
>      <?php
>        include("../../menu_top.inc");
>      ?>
> where gui.php does has a entry for each link: 

You got it! The structure is different (as I tried to explain).

The include() stuff only works in subdirectories, but not yet in
subsubdirectories as grass60/screenshots/* is.

>     <table class="topmenu" bgcolor="#008000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
> border="0" width="100%">
> I have no clue how to change it (where to insert the gui.php subdirectory 
> part) and try&error approaches wouldn't be the best because I cannot look at 
> the result

the trick is for the screenshot stuff:
- instead of using the include function actually *include* the code pieces
  and fix the links
- or write a nifty PHP function to automatically fix ../ to ../../ (or vice verse,
  can't remember)

> unless I upload it to cvs and wait a couple of hours (is there a 
> way to see the final result on my computer like on the web?)

Sure: launch a web server on your local machine and copy the
stuff into the local web space. Then run from



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