[GRASS5] v.in.ascii updates

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Wed Mar 16 04:05:24 EST 2005

Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to do some v.in.ascii updates, I thought I'd trawl for
> comments first.. most deal with format=point mode.
> Fairly straight forward updates:
>  + update to use G_getl2() to make MacOS9 ascii import work.
>  + add skip= option to skip any header lines when format=point
>    (e.g. column headings in cvs file)
>  + add a -s flag to write those skipped header lines to the map's
>    meta-data hist file (v.info -h).

I think that you can simply write that to history without complicating 
the module with new flag?

> Debatable updates:
>  ? skip any line starting with a '#' in input file.
>    (could silently ignore data..??)
>  ? skip blank lines in input file.
>    (currently extra newlines at EOF break import of points)

User must be warn if there are errors in the file, empty line may be 
error in input. There should be probably a flag for shuch skipping.

Maybe it should be done in a GUI? Normal GRASS user can use
cat file | grap -v "^$" | grep -v "#"

>  ? strip "quotes" from both ends of varchar input.
>  ? rename format=standard to format=grass as format=point is default,
>    so standard mode is non-standard. Confusing! I'll fix any scripts/.

ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN! The module options and behaviour MUST NOT change 
during the 6.x line. That applies to all modules and all developers 
without exceptions.


> You can expect me to go ahead and do all these things if noone objects.
> Hamish
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