[GRASS5] Updating PolyLine attributes with Containing Polygons

Allan Metts ametts2 at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 18 07:44:25 EST 2005

Hi Radim,

Thanks -- I've noticed that MapInfo has three variations on this feature:  

   1) A intersects B,  
   2) A is within B, or 
   3) A contains B.  

Would #2 and #3 be good items to add to the wish list for future GRASS features?


At 03:32 AM 3/18/2005, Radim Blazek wrote:
>v.overlay, note that you cannot upload area attributes to the attribute table of lines, because each line may intersect more areas.
>Allan Metts wrote:
>>I have a polyline layer in a shape file, and I'd like to populate an attribute of this layer when the polyline is contained in another layer's polygon (i.e., another shape file).
>>Let me clarify with a hypothetical example:  Assume that I have a shape file of streets, and another shape file of city boundaries.  In the Streets layer, I'd like to fill in the name of the City for each street that falls within a city boundary.  For the streets that fall outside of city boundaries, the City attribute will remain untouched.
>>I've been experimenting and digging through the GRASS 6 man pages, and I cannot find a straightforward way to do this.  Can someone offer any advice?
>>I don't mind doing a little scripting if that's what it takes.

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