[GRASS5] more cats in one layer and where condition

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu May 5 04:45:03 EDT 2005


I have applied the array.c.path to both GRASS 6 branches.

I am curious why a parcel has more categories?


Martin Landa wrote:
> Hi all,
> the problem which I described in last e-mail (d.vect disp=cat|attr where=)
> is more complex (as I have found out using ps.map)...
> The patch for d.vect, attached to the last e-mail, is faulty. It works only
> if 'where' condition or category value is set. I forgot to check 'chcat' variable.
> So there is modified patch for d.vect (d.vect-patch1.tar.gz),
> I hope better than the last one...
> I have similar problem with ps.map. I have tried to display centroids using where
> condition. No points were displayed... For example:
> one centroid/point 
> 	layer/cat
> 	   50/1
> 	   50/2
> attribute table:
> 	cat | kod
> 	  1 | 18
> 	  2 | 304
> input for ps.map:
> vpoints bylany_hp
> 	type centroid	
> 	layer 50
> 	where kod=304
> 	symbol dkm/zahrada
> 	color black
> 	size 7
> 	lpos 0
> 	label 
> end
> --> no points found ... 
> In function Vect_set_varray_from_db () is used Vect_cat_get () which 
> finds _first_ category of given field. So in this case category '1'! 
> For my purpose (I am trying to develop GRASS module for importing data in Czech 
> cadastre exchange data format -- my diploma thesis) I have modified this function
> (see array.c.patch). But I am not sure if this solution is good...
> Best regards,
> 	Martin
> --
> Martin Landa <landa at gama.fsv.cvut.cz> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
> CTU Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Republic

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