[GRASS5] GRASS 6 extension manager

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue May 10 02:18:30 EDT 2005

> The buttons are a bit more complicated. But again, each button is
> called by a single line of TclTk script. These are in tool1.tcl and
> tool2.tcl. It is conceivable for an extension to install as a button.
> However, I haven't left much room for that. There is a little on the
> second button bar line (tool2.tcl), but not much.

Is it possible to have all the x0 -> x6 buttons in one pull-down menu?


|    | |
| x0 |v|
|    |
| x2 |
|    |
| x3 |
|    |
| x4 |
|    |
| x5 |
|    |
| x6 |

That way you can click the "x0" button most of the time but if you want
another monitor you can click the pull-down menu and get to it that way.

It would make things less cluttered by taking the less used buttons off
the front-end.

or make the buttons smaller & stacked?

(I prefer the first option)

no idea if Tcl/Tk allows this sort of thing.

"x?" -> "Monitor ?" in the GUI?


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