[GRASS5] d.vect.thematic committed to CVS

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Fri May 13 09:55:27 EDT 2005

Hi Michael

>  > note -pg isn't correct, choose one or the other. If this doesn't show
>>  the correct table then it is a bug & should be fixed.
>>  v.univar.sh:
>>  please keep option names consistent with other modules, e.g. 'db.connect
>>  driver= database=' instead of drv= and db=.
>OK. I was trying to avoid confusion with the db.select arguments. But
>consistency is nice.
>>  d.vect.thematic:
>>  get rid of "#% key: icon"  options line. Why restrict?
>>  G> ls $GISBASE/etc/symbol/*
>Because I don't know how to parse this into a g.parser-style interface. This
>is indeed a bit of a hack.
>I'm working on a way to do this however.

Why not an icon in GIS Manager?
Select the vector map in the list and press the thematic icon. It 
have to extract the vector name automatically.

Other future option:
- thematic mapping for TEXT values. Unique values

Great work Michael

||      Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
||/|/|  ENEA prot/idr          Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/    
||   |  via Don Fiammelli, 2   FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (ris.)
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