[GRASS5] d.nviz functional?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed May 18 07:49:00 EDT 2005

Hi Bob,

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 04:43:35PM -0300, Bob Covill wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> I have dug into the scripting problem and found a potential problem. 
> Each command in the script is executed by the procedure SendScriptLine. 
> This procedure can be found in script_support.tcl.
> This procedure uses the TK "send" command which is probably the source 
> of the problems.
> To identify if the send command is failing change the following line 
> from SendScriptLine
> catch {send $ProcessName "$line"} rval
> to
> send $ProcessName "$line"
> This will allow any errors from "send" to be output to stderr.

Magic! Now it works...!

I changed

    catch {send $ProcessName "$line"} rval

    return $rval

    send $ProcessName "$line"

    return 1

and now NVIZ immediately starts the render the flight.
Maybe 'return 1' is wrong, but keeping the original 'return $rval'
line led to 
  Error in startup script: can't read "rval": no such variable

Maybe this was the bug: rval not defined.

> With my CygWin installation I recieved the following error ...
> X server insecure (must use xauth-style authorization)

This is a different error, I assume.

> Let me know if you get a similar error. I am not sure of a work-around 
> for this yet. Presumably any any system not using xauth will have the 
> same problem?

Probably (I know little about xauth).

How should I change the catch line in CVS? It seems to depend
on the tcltk version.

Thanks for finding it!


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