[GRASS5] Re: r.sun parameter descriptions

Jaro Hofierka hofierka at geomodel.sk
Tue Sep 13 01:42:32 EDT 2005

Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> the following change improved the r.sun parameter descriptions somewhat:
> grass6/raster/r.sun/main.c
>   http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-commit/2005-March/016953.html
> but left many option desciptions ending with "[-]" (e.g. albedo).
> Should these be replaced with [0-1] ?
> add to opt->options or (0 <= x <= 1) checks in the C code?

A hyphen in the brackets explains that the parameter has no units. 
Albedo is within <0-1> range but Linke turbidity factor has no strict 
limits. It typically ranges between 3 (clear skies) to 7 (heavily 
polluted skies).

> Anyone have plans or thoughts about migrating to the SOLPOS algorithm?
> What sort of improvement would this bring? i.e. is the difference large
> enough to matter in a practical sense or is it more an academic matter
> of making the model as correct as it can be? 

As far as I know nobody is working on this. Thomas Huld from JRC in 
Ispra has made several changes and improvements for a shadowing 
algorithm, but it's not ready for a CVS upload. We have some discussions 
on some issues and it needs more testing.


> thanks,
> Hamish

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