[GRASS5] ogr-grass-driver
Stephan Holl
holl at gdf-hannover.de
Thu Sep 15 02:14:58 EDT 2005
Dear GRASS/GDAL-users,
I created a gdal/ogr-plugin (as .deb) for the ogr-grass-driver which
loads perfect into ogr:
ogrinfo --formats
Loaded OGR Format Drivers:
-> "GRASS" (readonly)
-> "ESRI Shapefile" (read/write)
-> "Interlis 1" (read/write)
-> "Interlis 2" (read/write)
-> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
When I try to use ogrinfo on a GRASS-vectordataset (outside GRASS), I
have some variable-related warnings... Inside GRASS everything works
When building gdal/ogr not as a module, I did not discover this
Perhaps anybody can give me a hint how to solve this issue?
ogrinfo /home/gdf/grassdata/spearfish57/PERMANENT/vector/soils/head
Warning 1: GRASS warning: GISBASE enviroment variable was not set,
using: ogrinfo -al
-summary /home/gdf/grassdata/spearfish57/PERMANENT/vector/soils/head
Warning 1: GRASS warning: GISBASE enviroment variable was not set,
Warning 1: GRASS warning: unable to open datum table
file: /etc/datum.table /etc/ellipse.table: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
gefunden Warning 1: GRASS warning: unable to open ellipsoid table
file: /etc/ellipse.table Warning 1: GRASS fatal error: invalid
ellipsoid clark66 in file Unable to initialise PROJ.4 with the
following parameter list: +proj=utm +zone=13 +a=-1.995876312255859
+rf=-1.998111724853517 +no_defs +nadgrids=conus The error message was
'squared eccentricity < 0' Warning 1: GRASS warning: Can't parse GRASS
PROJ_INFO file Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: /driver/db/
Warning 1: GRASS warning: Cannot open driver 'dbf'
ERROR 1: Cannot open database dbf by
driver /home/gdf/grassdata/spearfish57/PERMANENT/dbf/, check if GISBASE
enviroment variable is set, the driver isavailable and the database is
accessible. Warning 1: GRASS warning: unable to open datum table
file: /etc/datum.table /etc/ellipse.table: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
gefunden Warning 1: GRASS warning: unable to open ellipsoid table
file: /etc/ellipse.table Warning 1: GRASS fatal error: invalid
ellipsoid clark66 in file Unable to initialise PROJ.4 with the
following parameter list: +proj=utm +zone=13 +a=-1.995876312255859
+rf=-1.998111724853517 +no_defs +nadgrids=conus The error message was
'squared eccentricity < 0' Warning 1: GRASS warning: Can't parse GRASS
PROJ_INFO file INFO: Open of
`/home/gdf/grassdata/spearfish57/PERMANENT/vector/soils/head' using
driver `GRASS' successful.
Layer name: 0
Geometry: Line String
Feature Count: 2146
Extent: (589443.780000, 4913923.480000) - (609546.170000,
4928105.880000) Layer SRS WKT:
Layer name: 1
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 737
Extent: (589443.780000, 4913923.480000) - (609546.170000,
4928105.880000) Layer SRS WKT:
cat: Integer (0.0)
gdf at bild-deb-sarge:~/software$
Best regards
GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing
Hannover Office - Mengendamm 16d - D-30177 Hannover
Internet: www.gdf-hannover.de - Email: holl at gdf-hannover.de
Phone : ++49-(0)511.39088507 - Fax: ++49-(0)511.39088508
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