[GRASS5] [bug #3695] (grass) r.to.vect -- D3/5: new node = 3101610, n_noKilled

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Sep 29 05:15:47 EDT 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3695

Subject: r.to.vect -- D3/5: new node = 3101610, n_noKilled

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: cvs 26.08.05

r.to.vect produced after approx. 24 hours the error message "D3/5: new node = 
3101610, n_noKilled" (full output see below). 
r.info of the input file "vcf_1" gives: 
Type of Map:  raster               
Number of Categories: 253               
Data Type:    CELL                                              
Rows:         3797                                              
Columns:      6905                                              
Total Cells:  26218285                                          
Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (zone 0)               
N:    1728000    S:    -170500   Res:   500                     
E:    1634500    W:   -1818000   Res:   500                     
Range of data:    min =  0 max = 253        
exactly the same file but with just 8 categories works fine. 
r.to.vect input=vcf_1 output=vcf_1v   
feature=area -vs     
D3/5: new node = 3101608, n_nodes = 3101608, alloc_nodes = 3102000   
D3/5: Add new node: 3101608   
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): node = 3101608 line = 4546923   
D3/5: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1   
D3/5:     angle = -9.000000   
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): line 4546923 added position 0 n_lines: 1 angle   
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 4546923   
D3/5: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 13 line = 4546923 type = 8   
D3/5: Vect_read_next_line()   
D3/5: V1_read_next_line_nat()   
D3/5: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 449391157   
D3/5:     type = 8, do_cats = 1 dead = 0   
D3/5:     n_cats = 1   
D3/5:     n_points = 1   
D3/5:     off = 449391186   
D3/5: Register line: offset = 449391157   
D3/5: Register node: type = 8,  -197250.000000,984250.000000   
D3/5: dig_find_node()   
D3/5: node = 0   
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 3101608, alloc_nodes = 3102000   
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 3101609, x,y,z = -197250.000000,   
984250.000000, 0.000000   
D3/5: new node = 3101609, n_nodes = 3101609, alloc_nodes = 3102000   
D3/5: Add new node: 3101609   
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): node = 3101609 line = 4546924   
D3/5: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1   
D3/5:     angle = -9.000000   
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): line 4546924 added position 0 n_lines: 1 angle   
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 4546924   
D3/5: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 20 line = 4546924 type = 8   
D3/5: Vect_read_next_line()   
D3/5: V1_read_next_line_nat()   
D3/5: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 449391186   
D3/5:     type = 8, do_cats = 1 dead = 0   
D3/5:     n_cats = 1   
D3/5:     n_points = 1   
D3/5:     off = 449391215   
D3/5: Register line: offset = 449391186   
D3/5: Register node: type = 8,  -196750.000000,984250.000000   
D3/5: dig_find_node()   
D3/5: node = 0   
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 3101609, alloc_nodes = 3102000   
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 3101610, x,y,z = -196750.000000,   
984250.000000, 0.000000   
D3/5: new node = 3101610, n_noKilled   

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

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