[GRASS5] use of <em>,<i> and <strong>,<b> in the help pages

Daniel Calvelo dca.gis at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 03:11:00 EDT 2006

Well, I'd say, given the uses in the description.html files, it should
neither be <b>/<i> nor <strong>/<em> in most cases.

We are using (indiscriminately) <b>,<i>,<em> to mark-up parameters or
command names, i.e. code, rather than using them for emphasis proper.
Visually, it's fine, but semantically it's awfully wrong.

A more correct way of handling this would be to use <span>s with a
semantically marked class, and expanding Markus' CSS to handle that,
visually. I.e. instead of "the <b>col</b> parameter" we should have
"the <span class="param">col</span> parameter". We might borrow
texinfo or docbook semantic classes for that.

Not really an automatic conversion, rather a long style correction
through every description file.


PS. Personally, I'd rather move all the docs from HTML to reStructuredText.

On 4/5/06, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:
> mixed use of <em>,<i> and <strong>,<b> is rife in the help pages.
> "What's the Difference?"
>   http://www.think-ink.net/html/bold.htm
> comments?
> Hamish
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-- Daniel Calvelo Aros

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