[GRASS5] [bug #4286] (grass) r.cost will not work with vector start points

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 13 08:18:32 EDT 2006

> I just learned that r.cost still will not work with vector start
> points. It generates an error if you use them. This has been the case
> for a long time and I thought it was fixed until a student in my lab
> tried to use it yesterday.

I tried this earlier today and to my surprise got a segfault. It still
needs an update from the sites lib to the vector lib. I used the
start_rast= option last week without any problems.

work around: (for a small number of starting points)
  COORDS=`v.out.ascii | cut -f1,2 -d'|' | tr '\n' ','`
  r.cost coordinate=$COORDS


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