[GRASS5] Color prompt partially implemented, color confusion.
Helena Mitasova
hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Apr 17 13:15:58 EDT 2006
Helena Mitasova
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
Raleigh NC 27695
On Apr 17, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Helena Mitasova wrote:
>>>> G_str_to_color ignores case.
>>>> D_translate_color is case sensitive
>>>> name D_translate_color G_str_to_color
>>>> red 255 0 0 same
>>>> orange 255 128 0 255 127 0
>>>> yellow 255 255 0 same
>>>> green 0 255 0 same
>>>> blue 0 0 255 same
>>>> indigo 0 128 255 0 127 255
>>>> violet 255 0 255 same (this is a strange
>>>> violet)
>>>> black 0 0 0 same
>>>> white 255 255 255 same
>>>> gray 175 175 175 127 127 127
>>>> brown 180 77 25 same
>>>> magenta 255 0 128 255 0 255 (D_ has a very strange
>>>> magenta)
>>>> aqua 100 128 255 100 127 255
>>>> grey lookup to gray 127 127 127
>>>> cyan doesn't exist 0 255 255
>>>> How should we straighten out these colors?
>>> Colours which refer to the corners of the colour cube should have
>>> the
>>> correct values, so magenta should be 255,0,255. Arguably, gray/grey
>>> (do we need both spellings; the rest of GRASS uses US spellings
>>> consistently) should be 127/128 (the centre of the colour cube).
>>> It doesn't really matter about orange, indigo, violet, brown or
>>> aqua,
>>> as those don't have any obvious definition, although we should
>>> decide
>>> whether 50% is 127 or 128 and use one value consistently.
>>> Cyan should either be removed from G_str_to_color() or added to the
>>> list of standard colours in the display architecture. Updating the
>>> display architecture is tricky, as there are quite a few places that
>>> would need to be changed. OTOH, it's the only corner which isn't in
>>> the list.
>> I would vote for adding cyan if possible, Helena
> Can we discard "aqua" in favour of cyan? Or make "aqua" a synonym for
> cyan? If we don't have to change the number of standard colours, it's
> less likely that something important will break.
I use aqua a lot in addition to cyan in the same map, so making aqua
synonym for cyan would be
confusing (at least for me). If necessary, it would be less
confusing to discard aqua and I would just define it as RGB or use
> I wouldn't completely rule out the possibility that some random module
> has the number 13 hardcoded into it.
> --
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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