[GRASS5] gis.m as default GUI

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Apr 26 15:15:48 EDT 2006

William Kyngesburye wrote:

> That's not what I mean - I know about using GRASS_WISH to set the  
> particular wish binary to use, that's how I force GRASS to use my X11  
> Tcl/Tk instead of Apple's default.  It's just that when I use the Tk  
> Aqua wish, it's a separate Mac OS X application, not run inside of  
> X11, and the system just knows it as 'wish' (in the menubar, the  
> Dock, and CLI ps command).
> I know in Java applications, there is a way to rename the application  
> so it doesn't run as 'Java'.  Is there something similar for wish?

Try "wish -name <name>", or putting "tk appname <name>" at the
beginning of the script.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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