[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:881] Re: Live Earthquake Map: GRASS/PHP

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 27 06:03:24 EDT 2006

> I notice on the USGS page they center the world on 180 lon. May I
> suggest the same for your map?  "g.region w=0 e=360"
> oops, that won't work anymore.. the >90 lat tweak broke it:
> G61> g.region w=0 e=360
> G61> d.redraw
> WARNING: Fixing subtle input data rounding error of east boundary
>          (180>1e-06)
> G61> g.region -p
> WARNING: Fixing subtle input data rounding error of east boundary
>          (180>1e-06)
> projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
> zone:       0
> datum:      wgs84
> ellipsoid:  wgs84
> north:      90N
> south:      90S
> west:       0
> east:       180E
> nsres:      0:05
> ewres:      0:05
> rows:       2160
> cols:       2160
> This needs to be fixed, lon needs to be able to go up to 360
> (remember mars example...)
> The previous code allowed you to go endlessly east or west on input,
> so just rip out east/west boundary fixes? (ie only keep >90lat fix)

I have disabled the epsilon check for LL e-w in CVS. Global wrapping is
much more important than accommodating a broken dataset.

Maybe we just need a better test:

  if(fabs(180-lon) < GRASS_EPSILON) lon=180.0; sort of thing?

I don't really like that kind of trick much either.

Can you point to some test data? 


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