[GRASS-dev] d.m: leftover menu.tcl?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Aug 30 08:19:55 EDT 2006


to me it looks like an orphaned menu.tcl in d.m:

GRASS 6.3.cvs (spearfish60):~/grass61/gui/tcltk/d.m > grep menu.tcl *
d.m.tcl:        source $dmpath/menu.tcl
Makefile:TCL = cmd.tcl grassabout.tcl group.tcl labels.tcl menu.tcl print.tcl raster.tcl tksys.tcl tool1.tcl tool2.tcl tree.tcl vector.tcl  barscale.tcl chart.tcl dtext.tcl frames.tcl fttext.tcl gridline.tcllegend.tcl rgbhis.tcl thematic.tcl
menu.tcl:# menu.tcl
menu.tcl:source "$env(GISBASE)/etc/gui/menus/menu.tcl"

Can we remove gui/tcltk/d.m/menu.tcl? This would reduce
confusion how to modify d.m.


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