[GRASS-dev] releases for public consumption [was "d.m/d.gis mysteries.."]

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 06:42:11 EDT 2006

> Hamish wrote:
> > ps - I think the same with the main GRASS downloads page. There are
> > too many stables.
> >  6.1.0 -> current version (caveat..)
> >  6.0.2 -> old stable
> >  5.4.0 -> history section

Markus wrote:
> I have cleaned it up and moved old versions to a separate page.

Thanks. We abandon 6.1.0? (ok, we need all the 6.2.0beta testing we can

Note DebianGIS has 6.1.0 and 6.2.0beta packaging material in SVN:

It would be nice to have those [auto-generated?] into Alioth .deb

.. and then a 6.1.0 package into unstable as soon as GDAL 1.3.2 &
friends fall into testing to ensure we have something quasi-modern in
place for Etch.

Then we can replace "Binaries: No release yet" (typo?) with a "Debian
GNU/Linux" link :)


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