[GRASS-dev] G.proj requirements?

tlaronde at polynum.com tlaronde at polynum.com
Sun Dec 17 08:08:15 EST 2006

Hello Paul,

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 07:42:16AM +0000, Paul Kelly wrote:
> This would need quite a bit of re-engineering to fix in an elegant way, 
> definitely worth thinking about though IMHO. For now, looks like a 
> complicated workaround is required. :(

FWIW, and if I understand correctly the problem, now when I set a new
system, a template LOCATION is created to avoid the chicken and egg
problem. This serves multiple purposes:

1) This is a simple example that can be used for a quick demo/teaching (this
is not Spearfish);

2) This holds informations to verify that the current layout of the data
matches the library (organization of the GISDATABASE in KerGIS may vary
from version to version);

3) There is always a LOCATION/MAPSET to create other ones.

Actually, in PostgreSQL for example, you always derive a new database
from a template[12] one.

This ensures integrity and symetry of the commands (no need to handle
the special case of ab ovo).

Thierry Laronde (Alceste) <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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