[GRASS5] [bug #4022] (grass) problem with r.shaded.relief
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Jan 20 03:45:18 EST 2006
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4022
Subject: problem with r.shaded.relief
Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: Other (CDROM etc)
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: 060407
problem with the last version of Grass6.1cvs of 7 january (http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/forgrass/index.htm), particularly with r.shade.relief :
"r.shaded.relief map=dempierre shadedmap=dempierreshaded50 altitude=50 azimuth=270 zmult=4 scale=1
Calculating shading, please stand by.
/Applications/Grass/grass61cvs.app/Contents/Resources/grass-6.1.cvs/scripts/r.shaded.relief: line 186: 4287 Bus error r.mapcalc <<EOF
$ELEVSHADE = eval( \\
x=($zmult*$elev[-1,-1] + 2*$zmult*$elev[0,-1] + $zmult*$elev[1,-1] \\
-$zmult*$elev[-1,1] - 2*$zmult*$elev[0,1] - $zmult*$elev[1,1])/(8.*ewres()*$scale) , \\
y=($zmult*$elev[-1,-1] + 2*$zmult*$elev[-1,0] + $zmult*$elev[-1,1] \\
-$zmult*$elev[1,-1] - 2*$zmult*$elev[1,0] - $zmult*$elev[1,1])/(8.*nsres()*$scale) , \\
slope=90.-atan(sqrt(x*x + y*y)), \\
a=round(atan(x,y)), \\
a=if(isnull(a),1,a), \\
aspect=if(x!=0||y!=0,if(a,a,360.)), \\
cang = sin($alt)*sin(slope) + cos($alt)*cos(slope) * cos($az-aspect), \\
if(cang < 0.,0.,100.*cang), \\
if(isnull(cang), null(), 100.*cang))
ERROR: dempierreshaded50 - map not found
Shaded relief map created and named [dempierreshaded50]"
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