[GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4437] (grass) v.in.ascii & 'Vector ASCII Format Specification' differ

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 5 10:12:30 EDT 2006

"v.in.ascii & 'Vector ASCII Format Specification' differ"

> > > am I right that Hamish updated the manual?

yes, sorry I should have closed this bug some time ago.
[doing so now]

> > There was an update in the v.in.ascii manual.

more to the point, the vector specification linked below was updated to
meet reality.

> > However, there are still differences between the manual and
> > http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/~checkout~/grass6/doc/vector/vector.html#ascii
> > regarding vector feature types.
> > 
> > v.in.ascci is missig the lowercase ("mark as deleted") types.

I don't think it's a problem, the lower case versions aren't worthy of
mention in the v.in.ascii help page as they represent deleted features
which will be skipped during import.

> > Are they still supported in Grass 6.1?

yes, but that just means that they are ignored.

> > v.in.ascii man contains more usefull comments which are missing in
> > "GRASS 5.7/6 Vector Format and API" description.

the vector format specification is not a tutorial.
which comments do you think should be added to the specification?

> > I believe both documents should give exactly the same information,
> > to avoid confussion. 

yes, the technical info should (& does?) match, but I don't think we
should clutter the specification with redundant examples.

> > I don't know what is the right, actuall information though.

no erroneous info should remain. reopen the bug if you see a conflict.


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