[GRASS-dev] DBMI: status of db_add_columns() - was: add attributes to new vector (Vlib)

Florian Kindl Florian.Kindl at uibk.ac.at
Wed Jul 12 11:53:42 EDT 2006

On 12.07.2006, at 14:22, Patton, Eric wrote:

> To add new columns to your database, try v.db.addcol:

Thanks Eric,
v.db.addcol doesn't help me so much as I need to alter the table from  
within the module written in C.
Thank you for your hint, though, it did lead me to the function  
db_add_columns() in the DBMI library.

This function should do what I need. However, it seems to be not  
implemented yet, a conclusion I draw from the error message I get  
when I call it:

dbmi: db_add_column() not implemented

How is the development status of db_add_column() and what can I use  


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