[GRASS-dev] displaying (slightly) broken raster maps in gis.m

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sat Jul 15 19:05:53 EDT 2006


I've removed all extraneous 'eval exec' syntax from gism I think, with the
exception of the procedures in runandoutput.tcl (attached here for
convenience because it's small). If I try to clean up the run and runcmd
procedures here, d.mon bombs in the gism startup. I don't know whether it is
due to writing to /dev/null or because of d.mon. Could you take a look and
offer any suggestions? Thanks.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

> From: Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
> Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 08:49:46 +0100
> To: Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
> Cc: Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>, grass5 <grass-dev at grass.itc.it>
> Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] displaying (slightly) broken raster maps in gis.m
> Michael Barton wrote:
>>> We noticed gis.m will not display a raster map if the cats/ file is
>>> missing but d.rast will.
>>> is this something to fix, or nothing to worry about?
>>> (mapset was broken after bulk copy via FAT32 external hard drive problems)
>> Gis.m is just a wrapper for d.rast. So I'm not sure why one should display a
>> map and the other one won't.
> gis.m/raster.tcl seems to do a bit more than just run d.rast.
> BTW, looking at that code, I note that the failure to treat commands
> as lists appears to be a common problem within gis.m, e.g.:
>     set cmd "d.rast map=$opt($id,1,map)"
>     # overlay
>     if { $opt($id,1,overlay) } {
>         append cmd " -o"
>     }
> [snip]
>     # raster query
>     if { $opt($id,1,rastquery) != "" } {
>         append cmd " {$querytype=$opt($id,1,rastquery)}"
>     }
>     # background color
>     if { $opt($id,1,bkcolor) != "" } {
>         append cmd " bg=$opt($id,1,bkcolor)"
>     }
> Although this particular case should work (certainly, none of the
> arguments can contain spaces, and I don't think that they can contain
> braces), in general you should be using list operations, e.g.:
>     set cmd [list d.rast map=$opt($id,1,map)]
>     # overlay
>     if { $opt($id,1,overlay) } {
>         lappend cmd -o
>     }
> [snip]
>     # raster query
>     if { $opt($id,1,rastquery) != "" } {
>         lappend cmd $querytype=$opt($id,1,rastquery)
>     }
>     # background color
>     if { $opt($id,1,bkcolor) != "" } {
>         lappend cmd bg=$opt($id,1,bkcolor)
>     }
> Etc.
> Whilst it is technically sufficient to use list operations only where
> necessary, that requires you to actually consider whether or not they
> are necessary. As most of the time they aren't necessary, overlooking
> the few cases where they /are/ necessary (e.g. filenames, SQL "WHERE"
> clauses etc) becomes almost inevitable.
> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

-------------- next part --------------
# LIBRARY:      runandoutput.tcl
# AUTHOR(S):    Cedric Shock (cedricgrass AT shockfamily.net)
# PURPOSE:      Interactive console for gis.m and other run commands
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2006 GRASS Development Team
#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#               for details.

#Overloaded gui.tcl behaviour:

# Overload run_cmd (proc called when run button is pushed)
proc run_cmd {dlg} {
	global gronsole
	global opt

	set cmd [dialog_get_command $dlg]

	catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state disabled}

	$gronsole run $cmd {} "catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state active}"
	# Bring that output window up:
	raise [winfo toplevel $gronsole]

# no output or progress or buttons:
proc make_output {dlg path root} {}
proc make_progress {dlg path root} {}
proc make_buttons {dlg path root} {}


proc make_fun_buttons {dlg path} {
	global opt env
	set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)

	set buttonframe [frame $path.buttonframe]
	button $buttonframe.run   -text [G_msg "Run"]   -command "run_cmd $dlg"
	# In the future we'll have a button to make a layer from here:
	# button $buttonframe.layer -text [G_msg "Layer"] -command "layer_cmd $dlg"
	button $buttonframe.help  -text [G_msg "Help"]  -command "help_cmd $dlg"
	button $buttonframe.close -text [G_msg "Close"] -command "close_cmd $dlg"

	set opt($dlg,run_button) $buttonframe.run 

	# Turn off help button if the help file doesn't exist
	if {! [file exists $env(GISBASE)/docs/html/$pgm_name.html]} {
		$buttonframe.help configure -state disabled

	pack $buttonframe.run $buttonframe.help $buttonframe.close \
		-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
	pack $buttonframe -expand no -fill x -side bottom -before [lindex [pack slaves $path] 0]

	# Set the starting window size if this is a toplevel window
	if {[winfo toplevel $path] == $path} {
		wm geometry $path "560x350"

proc run_ui {cmd} {
    global dlg path

    set program [lindex $cmd 0]

    set code [exec -- $program --tcltk]

    set path .dialog$dlg
    toplevel $path
    eval $code

    # Push the command to the dialog
    set thisdialog $dlg
    dialog_set_command $dlg $cmd

    # Add our ui
    make_fun_buttons $dlg $path


proc run_disabled {gronsole button cmd} {
	catch {$button configure -state disabled}

	$gronsole run $cmd {running} "catch {$button configure -state active}"

proc gronsole_history {cmdtext ci cmd} {
	$cmdtext delete 1.0 end
	$cmdtext insert end $cmd

proc command_window {where} {
	global keycontrol

	set cmdpane [frame $where.command]
	set cmdwin [ScrolledWindow $where.win -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
	set gronsole [Gronsole $where.gronsole -clickcmd "gronsole_history $cmdwin.text"]
	set cmdtext [text $cmdwin.text -height 4 -width 80] 
	$cmdwin setwidget $cmdtext
	set runbutton [button $cmdpane.run -text [G_msg "Run"] -command "run_disabled $gronsole $cmdpane.run \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\]"]
	set run2button [button $cmdpane.run2 -text [G_msg "Run (Background)"] -command "$gronsole run \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\] {} {}"]
	set runuibutton [button $cmdpane.runui -text [G_msg "Run UI"] -command "run_ui \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\]"]
	set runxterm [button $cmdpane.xterm -text [G_msg "Run in Xterm"] -command "$gronsole run_xterm \[string trim \[$cmdtext get 1.0 end\]\] {}"]
	set outpane [frame $where.output]
	set savebutton [button $outpane.save -text [G_msg "Save"] -command "$gronsole save"]
	set clearbutton [button $outpane.clear -text [G_msg "Clear"] -command "$gronsole clear"]

	pack $runbutton $run2button $runuibutton $runxterm \
		-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
	pack $savebutton $clearbutton \
		-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5

	pack $cmdpane -fill x -side bottom
	pack $cmdwin -fill x -side bottom
	pack $outpane -fill x -side bottom
	pack $gronsole -side top -fill both -expand yes

	bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-c> "tk_textCopy %W"
	bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-v> "tk_textPaste %W"
	bind $cmdtext <$keycontrol-x> "tk_textCut %W"

	return $gronsole

toplevel .gronsole
wm title .gronsole [G_msg "Output - GIS.m"]

# If we had our own window manager we could withdraw windows instead of iconifying them:
wm protocol .gronsole WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm iconify .gronsole"

set gronsole [command_window {.gronsole}]

# Run procs for gis.m:


proc execute {cmd} {
    # Use run and output
    run_ui $cmd

proc spawn {cmd args} {
	exec -- $cmd $args &

proc spawn_panel {cmd args} {
	global gronsole

	$gronsole run $cmd gism {}


proc run_panel {cmd} {
	global gronsole

	$gronsole run_wait $cmd gism

proc run {cmd args} {
	# This and runcmd are being used to run command in the background
	# These used to go to stdout and stderr
	# but we don't want to pollute that console.
	# eval exec -- $cmd $args >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
	eval exec -- $cmd $args >& /dev/null


proc runcmd {cmd args} {
	global gronsole

	set ci [$gronsole annotate $cmd [list gism running]]

	eval run $cmd $args

	$gronsole remove_tag $ci running	

proc term_panel {cmd} {
	global gronsole

	$gronsole run_xterm $cmd gism

proc term {cmd args} {
	global env
	exec -- xterm -name xterm-grass -e $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-run.sh $cmd $args &

# Make sure there's an xmon before running some commands.
# Used in menus.

proc guarantee_xmon {} {
	if {![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input]} {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0 } {
			if {[regexp -nocase {(x[0-9]+).*not running} $line dummy monitor]} {
				# $monnum is the monitor number
				#create list of non-running monitors
				lappend xmonlist $monitor

	close $input

	set xmon  [lindex $xmonlist 0]
	spawn "d.mon start=$xmon"

# Annotation procs for gis.m:

proc monitor_annotation_start {mon title tags} {
	global gronsole
	set handle [$gronsole annotate $title $tags]
	$gronsole set_click_command $handle {}
	return $handle

proc monitor_annotate {handle text} {
	global gronsole
	$gronsole annotate_text $handle $text

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