[GRASS-dev] [bug #4868] (grass) r.mapcalc: segfault in 'if then'

Maciek Sieczka via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Jul 19 09:00:55 EDT 2006

glynn at gclements.plus.com wrote (Wed, Jul 19 2006 09:44:55):

> > r.mapcalc 'map=if(dtm,1)'
> > Segmentation fault
> I am unable to reproduce this.
> Please provide a recipe to reproduce this with either the Spearfish
> sample data or self-generated data.

Indeed, this is not 100% reproducible. Somehow it depends on a combination of
input/output raster name lenght and the raster type (double/float/integer).

Scenario for spearfish60:

$ g.region rast=aspect

$ r.mapcalc 'aspect_dbl=double(aspect)'

             35 CHARS LONG OUTPUT NAME:

$ r.mapcalc 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=if(aspect_dbl,1)'

             36 CHARS:

$ r.mapcalc 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=if(aspect_dbl,1)'
*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0805a168 ***

             37 CHARS AND MORE:

$ r.mapcalc 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=if(aspect_dbl,1)'
Segmentation fault


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