[GRASS-dev] New OpenGL options to test for native Mac and Win NVIZ

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Wed Jul 19 10:38:41 EDT 2006

On Jul 19, 2006, at 2:41 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:

> William Kyngesburye wrote:
>>>> And, gis.m (any Tcl scripts) will also use the Aqua Tcl.
>>> gis.m is a pure Tcl/Tk application (rather than hybrid C & Tcl/ 
>>> Tk), so
>>> it will use the "wish" executable specified by $GRASS_WISH (or
>>> whichever one comes first in the path), regardless of which  
>>> configure
>>> switches are used.
>> Right.  But doesn't NVIZ also use whichever wish is set with
> No. NVIZ is a C program which links against the Tcl/Tk libraries; it
> doesn't use wish.
Ah. Oh. Right.  I sorta knew NVIZ was a binary, not a script.  I just  
didn't relate that to how it used Tcl/Tk ^_^

So the compiling and linking and versions for Tcl/Tk stuff only  
matters for NVIZ.  If Tcl/Tk wasn't used at all in configure and  
building, one could still run the Tcl scripts for the GUI?  Or, as  
you say, use any copy or version of wish/Tcltk one wanted regardless  
of what NVIZ was built with (within reason as far as other version/ 
platform issues go).  But NVIZ would still have to have the same  
version and X11/AGL/WGL build of Tcl/Tk, of course.

Might they get confused running side-by-side?  ie NVIZ with Aqua Tcl/ 
Tk + gis.m with X11 wish.  I suppose it would be up to the linker and  
the build link options to keep the libraries separate, if possible.   
Something to try.


William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com>

"I ache, therefore I am.  Or in my case - I am, therefore I ache."

- Marvin

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