[GRASS-dev] Re: Project Steering Committee Nominations

Otto Dassau dassau at gdf-hannover.de
Wed Jul 26 10:14:27 EDT 2006


thanks a lot for the nomination, but I won't have enough time to support and 
help on GRASS GIS as a member of the GRASS Project Steering committee.

best wishes,
  Otto Dassau 

Am Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2006 15:59 schrieb Sampson, David:
> Salutations Compadres,
> The following people at some point have been nominated as members in the
> GRASS Project Steering committee according to the following web page.
> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_Project_Steering_Commitee
> These are the nominated members:
> 1.	Michael Barton (nominated by 1): very responsive to comments and
> questions; various code contributions 2.	Radim Blazek (nominated by 1): for
> his extensive GRASS work including vector and DBMS support 3.	Hamish Bowman
> (nominated by 1): for documentation, integration, and various modules
> 4.	Brad Douglas (nominated by 1): for clone removal and code refactoring
> 5.	Otto Dassau (nominated by 1): for translation efforts and documentation
> 6.	Glynn Clements (nominated by 1): for his vast knowledge of standards,
> practices and compatibility 7.	Paul Kelly (nominated by 1): for PROJ and
> platform support
> 8.	Markus Neteler (nominated by 2): for the obvious.  :-)
> 9.	Cedric Shock (nominated by 1): various code contributions
> Please indicate (through the mailing list) if you have ACCEPTED/REJECTED
> the nomination. All of the above mentioned individuals I hope I reached all
> right.
> If you would like to show your support for a particular candidate to help
> encourage them to be involved feel free to post an e-mail under this
> subject and add the ubiquitous +1 next to your picks. If you would like,
> e-mail me directly and I'll do some tallies for the next week or so and
> post back here to the list.
> Also, if you know of someone that might be a good fit in the project
> steering committee please feel free to nominate them so they know the GRASS
> community is interested in having their involvement on the committee.
> I would say at minimum we need 5 and can continue to hunt down and add
> people as we go. Although it would be great to have 9 (as above) or 11
> (odds help with decision breakers).
> Since I'd like all of these people involved I'll support all their
> nominations
> 1.	Michael Barton +1	(2)
> 2.	Radim Blazek  +1	(2)
> 3.	Hamish Bowman +1	(2)
> 4.	Brad Douglas  +1	(2)
> 5.	Otto Dassau  +1		(2)
> 6.	Glynn Clements +1 	(2)
> 7.	Paul Kelly +1		(2)
> 8.	Markus Neteler +1 	(3)
> 9. Cedric Shock +1		(2)
> Thanks for all of your time...
> Cheers

GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing
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