[GRASS-dev] raster row alloc?

Joel Pitt joel.pitt at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 19:37:29 EDT 2006

On 6/2/06, Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com> wrote:
> > I'd like to use  G_set_null_value(array, nrows*ncols, map_type);
> > to fill some nrows with NULL in one go instead of a loop over the number
> > of rows, and perhaps G_raster_cpy() to copy a few lines over at a time.
> >
> > nrows*(ncols+1) ?
> Not necessary.

Glynn, as lovely as your succinct answers are, would you be able to
clarify whether you meant that Hamish's wish is not necessary or if
the the "+1"  in "nrows*(ncols+1)" is not necessary to perform this



"Wish not to seem, but to be, the best."
                -- Aeschylus

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