[GRASS5] v.digit odd attribute behavior

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Fri Mar 3 13:39:27 EST 2006


I would like to hear your thoughts concerning what appears to be  
fairly odd behavior in v.digit. First some background.

I am working with some vectors that were digitized by students using  
ESRI products. The students then saved their work as shape files. I  
am double checking their work and using v.digit (6.1.cvs) to make a  
few edits (where my interpretation is a little different from theirs)  
and add attributes to areas.

The vector is connected to a single table in postgresql.

In 90% of the cases were I select a centroid, or line, or an area,  
the expected results get printed to for form which pop up.

However, in a few cases, when I select a centroid, the form pops up  
with 3 tabs at the top (Layer 1, Layer 1, Layer2)

The two layer 1 tabs will different information in the fields  
(including different cat values), and the layer 2 tab, says "Database  
connection not defined"

g.list shows the vector name to be "test",

v.info shows 1 dblink. and the -c option shows:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ > v.info -c test
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:
GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ >

GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ > v.info -c test layer=2
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 2:
ERROR: Database connection not defined

Any idea what might have happened? or how to get rid of the ghost  



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