[GRASSLIST:10801] Re: [GRASS5] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Incubation Committee / Contributor Agreements]

Laurent C. lrntct at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 08:21:55 EST 2006

2006/3/8, Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>:
> As I see it, the main risk of allowing proprietary derivatives is a
> risk of "siphoning off" developers and beta testers (aka "users") from
> the free version towards a "mostly, but not quite" free version.
> IMHO, the biggest risk is with versions which are "free-enough for
> most people", e.g. "free for non-commercial use". OpenDWG is probably
> a good example; it isn't "Free Software", but it's close enough to
> significantly reduce the chances of a genuinely-free alternative being
> developed.

Hello list, hello Glynn,

I don't think OpenDWG is a good example because there is no free alternative
and AFAIK Open Desing Alliance hasn't fork any free software, and there is
no community around this project.
*BSD OS are free for more than 10 years, and many commercial derivatives has
born. *BSD still have strong community.
I don't think BSD, MIT and other permissive licences are threat for
opensource developpers and users.

According to the first draft of GPLv3, it seem that gplv3 software will be
more "compatible" with other free software.

Just my two cents

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