[GRASS5] [bug #4191] (grass) adding layers to vectors

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Mar 20 13:15:16 EST 2006

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4191

Subject: adding layers to vectors 

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 6.1.cvs checked out 18032006

I can not seem to get more than one addtional layer to function correctly (connected to db through 
popstgres). I am following the procedure: 

Starting with a vectro map connected through pg
1. Attach categories to vecot map with - v.category input=testmap output=testmap_new option=add

2. Add layer to vector with - v.db.addtable map=testmap_new layer=2 columns="column1 
int,column2 int,column3 int,column4 int"

Seems to work in that layer 2 is created (except that the cat column get populated with 2218 
(1-2218), insted of  686 cats form the original vector (layer1)?


GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ > v.db.addtable map=t61nr9w_tvol layer=2 columns="cords 
int,mbm int,poles int,posts int"
Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: t61nr9w_tvol_2
WARNING: The table <t61nr9w_tvol_2> is now part of vector map
         <t61nr9w_tvol> and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules.
WARNING: Select privileges were granted on the table.
Updating database ...  100%
2218 categories read from map
0 records selected from table
0 categories read from map exist in selection from table
2218 categories read from map don't exist in selection from table
2218 records updated/inserted
0 update/insert errors

Current attribute table links:
Vector map <t61nr9w_tvol> is connected by:
layer <1> table <t61nr9w_tvol> in database <host=localhost,dbname=kwythers> through driver 
<pg> with key <cat>
layer <2> table <t61nr9w_tvol_2> in database <host=localhost,dbname=kwythers> through driver 
<pg> with key <cat>

However, this procedure only seems to work for adding a second layer. If I repeat the procedure to 
add a third layer, I get: 

GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~ > v.db.addtable map=t61nr9w_tvol layer=3 columns="cords 
int,mbm int,poles int,posts int"
Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: t61nr9w_tvol_3
WARNING: The table <t61nr9w_tvol_3> is now part of vector map
         <t61nr9w_tvol> and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules.
WARNING: Select privileges were granted on the table.
Updating database ...  100%
1 categories read from map
0 records selected from table
0 categories read from map exist in selection from table
0 categories read from map don't exist in selection from table
0 records updated/inserted
0 update/insert errors

Current attribute table links:
Vector map <t61nr9w_tvol> is connected by:
layer <1> table <t61nr9w_tvol> in database <host=localhost,dbname=kwythers> through driver 
<pg> with key <cat>
layer <2> table <t61nr9w_tvol_2> in database <host=localhost,dbname=kwythers> through driver 
<pg> with key <cat>
layer <3> table <t61nr9w_tvol_3> in database <host=localhost,dbname=kwythers> through driver 
<pg> with key <cat>

Is this a bug?

While the 'cat' column in layer <2> is populated and shows up at the bottom of the d.what.vect -e 
form, the 'cat column in layer <3> does not get populated and does not show up on the d.what.vect 
form. I have tried a number of different approaches here with v.db.addtable, v.category, and v.to.db, 
but this is as close as I can get. But only 2 layers (not the 7 additional layers I am trying to create). 

Can anyone duplicate this behavior?

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