[GRASS5] Proposed changes to gui.tcl and gis.m

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Tue Mar 21 16:53:28 EST 2006

Michael, fellow developers,

I found some undesirable behaviors in the way output is displayed in the GUIs. 
The output routines (copied and pasted) between programs do the following:

Drop one line of text when a pipe blocks.
Generate a tk update for every line of text until a pipe blocks.
Don't read all input until the pipe blocks, garanteing that running programs 
like v.in.ogr will block over and over again.

I have written a "gronsole" widget that is a wrapper around a text box. It 
will run programs in a small variety of ways (waiting for completion, 
not-blocking, in an xterm, just an annotation) and display both the history 
and the formatted output with images and so-on. This collects most of the 
program execution and output code in one place. Headers for commands in the 
history have icons for tagging them (such as being run by gis.m, currently 
running, etc), buttons to hide and display that command's output (making for 
a terse history) and remove the command from the history, and can have a 
command bound to clicking on the command text or icon.

I have dropped it into gui.tcl. This makes almost no change, except the proc 
prnout is no longer needed, and output is formatted very slightly 

I left d.m alone. It only experiences the changes to programs run by gui.tcl

I have also wired it up to gis.m by moving all of the spawn, execute, runcmd, 
run_panel, etc code into a new file, and replacing them, where appropriate, 
with calls to a "gronsole" widget. This makes a new window that replaces the 
output display with save and clear buttons, a "gronsole", a text box for 
typing in commands, run buttons and a button to open up the gui.tcl widget 
for the currently edited command. Clicking on headers for commands in the 
history copies the command into the current command box. When commands are 
run from the menus in gis.m the command and its output are added to the 
history in the general gis.m output window.

I think there are a few other changes that should be made to gis.m. I don't 
think we should source gui.tcl etc in every single .tcl file. I think we 
should make one proc that handles copying files from the current output to 
the temporary folder. I think this new command should add an annotation to 
the output log so that the actual sort of commands needed to produce the 
output gis.m produces are clear to the user. Eventually it would be nice to 
do this in a small module to make command line usage of the composite program 

I'd also like to, eventually, have a way of using the gui.tcl widgets in 
command type layers. I need to understand more of how the layer system and 
tree works before approaching this.

--Cedric Shock

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