[GRASS5] Re: grass5 digest, Vol 1 #2162 - 1 msg

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 22 18:48:37 EST 2006

> If we could get a command-line module like I proposed for "i.gcp", I
> (or Cedric) could write a TckTk GUI wrapper for it.

The file format of $MAPSET/group/$GROUP/POINTS is very easy to recreate,
the rms error algorithm is easily borrowed & recoded.

for adding GCPs to a TIFF, see also

gdal_translate \
  -gcp pixel1 line1 easting1 northing1 \
  -gcp pixel2 line2 easting2 northing2 \
  -gcp etc \
  src_dataset dst_dataset

In the past to do thin-plate-spline rectification [which GRASS doesn't
do], I've created the GCP POINTS file with i.points and used a script to
parse the POINTS file to feed to gdal_translate, "rectified" (warped)
with gdalwarp, and reload into GRASS with r.in.gdal.


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