[GRASSLIST:327] Re: [GRASS5] grass and postgis

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Mar 24 02:59:01 EST 2006

marcos boullón magán wrote:

>Last question about this, I promise.
Questions are welcome if not FAQ :-)

>In GRASS 6.1 cvs,
>grass6/db/base/Makefile has commented out the creation of db.createdb,
>db.dropdb and db.databases commands (maybe because they are function
>calls to unimplemented code in grass/lib/db/stubs/). But GRASS roadmap
>for 6.x series shows "DBMS support (done)".
>Does it mean that there will be no support to create new databases
>from GRASS (not only new tables as now)?
Good question.
Since it was there for some time there was a reason to comment it. To me
it would be sort of
intuitive to *have* these commands.
Looking at the ChangeLog:
- "drop table removed because it is not implemented in drivers" (radim)
- "removed db.databases, db.createdb, db.dropdb" (radim)

No further explanation. Maybe Radim can tell us more.

>And if functionality is in
>progress but not finished, will it have PostGIS (out-of-the-box)
Please define out-of-the-box support first - in which sense?
Eg. v.in.db manual page shows an example, since yesterday also the
v.db.connect page and
maybe others.

>(BTW. FYI. Sometimes I get confused expressing myself in english. When
>in doubt, I was quering for the most obvious piece of info. This means
>that yesterday I wasn't saying "I consider that pg.postgisdb is
>redundant; please remove it!" but "I don't understand what
>pg.postgisdb does". It wasn't a critizism to any command, I remark.)

Constructive critizism is welcome. I have remove the pg.postgisdb script
as it was outdated.


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